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Job gov vacancies in Hardwick. Where to find employment in public sector?

Where can you find a good-paying state job in 2024 in Hardwick? Here you can find over 0 job vacancies in Hardwick.

Hardwick, located in the state of Vermont, has a relatively small job market. The town's economy is primarily driven by agriculture, with dairy farming being the largest industry. There are also some opportunities in forestry and woodworking, as well as a small tourism industry centered around the town's historic buildings and outdoor recreation. The local government and school system also provide employment opportunities, but competition for these jobs can be stiff. Overall, Hardwick's job market can be challenging for those looking for a diverse range of employment options or high-paying jobs.

Despite the limited job market, Hardwick has a tight-knit community that values small businesses and entrepreneurship. There are several small shops, restaurants, and craft businesses in town that provide unique employment opportunities. Recently, there has been a push for sustainable agriculture and local food systems, which has led to the development of new businesses and jobs in the area. Additionally, the town's proximity to the state capital of Montpelier and several nearby colleges and universities provides access to a larger job market for those willing to commute. While the job market in Hardwick may not be robust, it offers a close-knit community and opportunities for those interested in agriculture or small business.
